France is the fifth most important economy in the world today following United States, Chine, Japan and Germany. Its GNP (Gross National Product) per capita is over European Union's.
Government in France participates more than other countries making private enterprises and has given parts of public enterprises to private great owners (Air France's, Renault's, etc.). Also, government controls some sectors like energy, public transport, many great companies, the Army and Industry. French leaders regulate capitals economy consequences by strong economic laws.
French Economy principal sector is Service Sector (75% ), the Secondary Sector (Industry) takes 24% and First Sector (Agriculture, Farming, Fishing...) only takes about the 1% of the total GNP.
Employment in France supposes is 64% of the population.
In the International Market, France is the fifth one for its exporting deal and the sixth for its importing deal.
Economical Sectors in France.
First Sector (Agriculture and animal husbandry)
Agriculture in France supposes the 6% of the total employment, but it is decreasing.
This sector has been modernized since thirty years ago, so its productivity has increased enormously.
Principal crops are cereals´ (wheat and corn) and sugar (brought from overseas territories), also France produces wine, milk products, vegetables, etc. The production surplus is exported abroad (the most, the wine; then, milk products; and the last, vegetables,etc.).
Common Agriculture Politic of the European Unions began in France and it has made many problems since it was created.
Animal husbandry in France grows pigs and sheep, more than 20 millions animals totally.
Secondary Sector (Industry)
French Industry is the fourth one in the world. It is the 40 % of the total employment and 80 % of the exports.
This sector has got much prestigious in all traditional industries, the transport production, clothes´ and food, however, nowadays France successes at technologies industries as space development and air´s and communication, making the 80 % of the whole electronic chips in the world.
Since 1990 to 2000 industries was a very important sector in world economy because of its great production, its continuous progress, its variety and its surplus. Unfortunately, today´s economical crisis has damaged all that, so productivity has reduced and there are many debts to pay.
-Energy production.
France produces the 80% of its energy by nuclear energy ; 10% of energy comes from thermal power plants; and the other 10% comes from hydroelectric plants.
On the other hand, petrol products making needs petrol imports from foreign countries and natural gas demand too.
France has got many renewable energy possibilities (hard winds, sun, hydroelectric´s) ; some enterprises has also invested in solar energy.
-Car production.
Important car enterprises come from France (Peugeot, Citroën and Renault), so there are many other little manufacturers who depends of this industries producing materials, machine, tools, etc. Although the 65% of the French cars production is made abroad and the same average is applied in exports.
Public buildings are the most important ones in this industry. The principal enterprises (Vinci, Eiffage,etc) use modern construction techniques building roads and enormous constructions (Millau´s aqueduct).
Although 60% construction are housing building, there are not important companies dedicated to it, in fact the number little housing enterprises in France are 30.000 ones.
Third Sector (services)
The 75% of the employment in France are in this sector and this is the most important for economical development. The progress in this sector is due to, in part, because of new technologies.
There are more than 660.000 companies in France, the bigger part is composed by little shops, and then, wholesalers and cars repairing.
Minority (quantity of enterprises) trade are big trade companies, who sell the 60% of the food and the 40% of other products. This companies are Carrefour, Auchan, Intermarché, Champion, etc; they has established many shops abroad too and someones has specialized in certain areas (Decathlon, Conforama, Leroy Merlin...) .
France is the most visited country in the world. Every year 80 millions tourist go there, giving employment to 800.000 people and producing the 6% of the France total money.
Tourism companies are dedicated to accommodation and restoration essentially. There are thousands of hotels, restaurants and travelling agencies.
In Paris, more visited places are first, the Notre-Dame cathedral; the second, Eiffel Tower; and then, Georges Pompidou Center and Louvre Museum.
A half-million people works in banks and it produces the 3% of the total money benefits in France. Principal banks are BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Banque Populaire, CIC, etc.
Banks has developed since 1960 because of the international trading increase, the economical freedom in European Union and bank fusions between French ones and abroad ones.
-International Trade.
France is the fifth exporter in the world, but it has been decreasing since the crisis beginning. Nowadays France trades are more important in Europe and East countries.
Exports and imports has just been explained.
Actual situation in France: economical crisis.
France has resisted the economic crisis in a better way -they have faced it- than the rest of the countries in the Europe Union, except Germany. The proof of that is that they have been growing since 2009 about the 0,4% (except their fell down of -2% in a part of that year).
France politicians have asked their people to be united against the crisis.
Now, French people due the success of some factors : the protection of the government and their capacity as a family to safe their money.
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